The Elves and The Shoemaker
by The Brothers Grimm Title:The Elves and The ShoemakerAuthor: by The Brothers GrimmPublication: 1812 A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left but leather for one pair of shoes. So, in the evening, he cut out the shoes which he wished to begin to make the next morning, and as he had a good conscience, he lay down quietly in his bed, commended himself to God, and fell asleep. In the morning, after he had said his prayers, and was just going to sit down to work, the two shoes stood quite finished on his table. He was astounded and knew…
- Christmas Stories, Classic, Epic, Inspirational/Motivational Stories, Kids and Teen Books, Kids between 1-10 of Age, Teenagers
Papa Panov’s Special Christmas
by Leo Tolstoy Title: Papa Panov’s Special ChristmasAuthor: by Leo TolstoyPublication: Cedar Fort, Inc. on September 8, 2011 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me..” It was Christmas Eve and although it was still afternoon, lights had begun to appear in the shops and houses of the little Russian village, for the short winter day was nearly over. Excited children scurried indoors and now only muffled sounds of chatter and laughter escaped from closed shutters. Old Papa Panov, the village shoemaker, stepped outside his shop to take one last look around. The sounds of happiness,…
- Christmas Stories, Classic, Epic, Inspirational/Motivational Stories, Kids and Teen Books, Kids between 1-10 of Age, Teenagers
The Little Match Girl
by Hans Christian Andersen Title: The Little Match GirlAuthor: by Hans Christian AndersenPublication: 1845 Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening– the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left home she had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? They were very large slippers, which her mother had hitherto worn; so large were they; and the poor little thing lost them as she scuffled away across the street, because of two carriages that rolled by dreadfully fast. One slipper was…
- Article, Christmas Stories, Epic, Kids and Teen Books, Kids between 1-10 of Age, Mythology, Teenagers
Christmas is Coming
Christmas originated from pagan celebrations of the winter solstice, and was later adopted by the Catholic Church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christmas for most of us is the celebration of joy, happiness and prosperity with your loved ones. This year Christmas has brought happiness and sorrow into my life. Here I’m celebrating the joy and birth of Jesus our savior with my little bundle of joy my daughter as this year will be her first Christmas but I also feel the pain of losing my mother this year who stood by me in all the phrases of my life. One side the joy of being a parent is making…
It Ends With Us – Colleen Hoover
Title: It ends with usAuthor: Colleen HooverEdition: Paperback, Kindle EditionPublisher: August 2, 2016 , Atria Books, Grand Central Publishing, Montlake Romance, and HarperCollins Publishers.Genre: Fiction Contemporary New Adult Adult Contemporary Romance Abuse Young Adult, Female Lead My Review “It ends with us – Colleen Hoover novel all about love, relationship, and friendship- but what most amazing about this novel is the fight for your self respect and stand strong.” About the Novel It ends with us by Colleen Hoover, is a story about a young girl name Lily Bloom. Lily Bloom belongs from a small town Maine. She comes to Boston in search of a fresh start. But after shifting…
Ugly Love – Colleen Hoover
Title: Ugly LoveAuthor: Colleen HooverPublished: August 5th 2014Publisher: Simon & SchusterGenres: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult, Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Audiobook, Adult,Chick Lit, Young Adult, Love My Review “Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover- A story about strong passion & desire and how far you can go to bend the rules to achieve it.” About the Author In 2015, Colleen’s novel CONFESS won the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance. That was followed up in 2016 with her latest title, It Ends With Us, and she also won the Choice Award for Best Romance. In 2017, her title WITHOUT MERIT won best romance. Her novel, CONFESS, was filmed as a series by Awestruck…
The Sandman Act – II By Neil Gaiman
Book Title: The Sandman Act – IIAuthor: By Neil GaimanPublisher: October 10, 2007 by VertigoGenres: Comics, Graphic Novels, Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novels Comics, Mythology , Comic Book, Urban Fantasy, Dc Comics My Review “The song of Orpheus is breath-stopping. Must follow the series.” About the Author Neil Richard MacKinnon Gaiman born Neil Richard Gaiman, 10 November 1960) is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, nonfiction, audio theatre, and films. His works include the comic book series The Sandman and novels Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book. He has won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker awards, as well as…
Thanksgiving Day
Article: Thanksgiving DayAuthor: Nicky Sinha FrancisPublished: 28th November 2024 Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in October and November in the United States, Canada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil, Germany and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. Various similarly named harvest festival holidays occur throughout the world during autumn. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday. The Origin of Thanksgiving In 1620, as the legend goes, a boat filled with more than 100 people sailed across…
Lethal Seduction – Jackie Collins
Book Title: Lethal SeductionAuthor: Jackie CollinsPublisher: January 1, 2002, by Books on TapeGenres: Mystery, Fiction, Young Adult, Children, Classics, Adventure, Middle Grade, Crime, Detective, Mystery Thriller My Review Jackie Collins is the best. Lethal Seduction discloses the dark side of high-class society. She is bold and blunt in her words, making the novel more interesting to read. About the Author Jacqueline Jill Collins (4 October 1937 – 19 September 2015) was an English romance novelist. One of the greatest female novelists I ever came across in my journey of being a bibliophile. Collins had begun many works of fiction but abandoned them, and only completed her first novel after being…
The Wits and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister
– by George R.R Martin Illustrated by Jonty Clark Title: The Wits and Wisdom of Tyrion LannisterAuthor: by George R.R Martin Illustrated by Jonty ClarkEdition: HardcoverPublication: October 29, 2013 by BantamGenre: Fantasy, Fiction, Humor, Philosophy, Short Stories, Epic Fantasy, High Fantasy, Science Fiction Fantasy, Adult Fiction My Review The book is short and to the point. Every page you turn and read will make you smile. No matter how your mood is, believe me you won’t be able to resist a smile. While reading the book I would imagine hearing Tyrion Lannisters (Peter Dinklage) voice. This book is worth reading again and again if you are a big fan of…
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