I am a Bibliophile

Name: I am a Bibliophile
Author: Nicky Sinha Francis
Genre: Article
I haven’t been a bookworm all my life. In my childhood, the only books that I liked to read were storybooks with illustrations and hopelessly read academic books. What choice did I as a kid have in those days?
I have seen my elder sister read novels for hours and days when it was over then run for a new hunt. For me, I always accompanied her to grab comic books which I would finish in half a day, and then try to draw the characters on plain paper. But things change as you grow up, I was a little weak in my studies, so I only read academic books, and my hobbies changed. I grew up, got a job, and got married.
Read more: I am a BibliophileMy First Book
We all have a struggling phase in our life, and I too was going through one. Choosing between my dream to be a fashion designer and my career as a Software Engineer became a big challenge. There was a hurricane of emotions rising inside me, waiting to storm out. Somehow, I started balancing between my course to achieve what I had dreamed of and my professional life. Things were going well for a while, until my mother met with an accident, and we went into financial debt. Going back to my office was the only way out of the dark tunnel, and that’s what I did. I was back in the race.
Then one day, just like that, while traveling back from work, I saw a young man selling books in my compartment on the train that I was traveling from. I thought about my sister and picked up a thin book from the stack that he carried in his hand. The name of the book was “Oh Shit!!! Not Again” by Mandar Kotare.
I won’t talk much about this book, as the majority of people from the book world don’t like this book because of the sense of humor in it. But I have been in that group, I did have friends similar to the characters in the book (to be specific, not very similar). Some people liked this, everything in the book is not bad, it is about 5 young teenagers and their weird, hilarious misadventure. I shouldn’t blame anyone, maybe the people I encountered were bolder, blunt, and straight with their attitude. Though the criticism, the book has been a best seller.
Let’s come back to the book. I read the first page and didn’t like the first name of the Chapter which was “36-24-36” Weird, isn’t it? But still, I went with it, and then I couldn’t stop reading. Sometimes I couldn’t wait to read this book, no matter where I was. There were many occasions while reading I imagined the scene in front of me, and I burst out laughing in the middle of a crowded place or while reading in the train compartment, and people around me would give me a weird look. Guess what, I didn’t care, I loved reading the book.
I would just sit with the book for hours, not just to complete the book, but just to enjoy the laughter and smile that I carried for that moment. As the book created an escape route for me, from the storm that I was going through.
After that, I never stopped.
I won’t be able to talk about one book, because I wouldn’t stop my greed for stories. After this book, I went on and didn’t stop reading since then. I have many favorites, and many stories to talk about, I loved the way the Author picturesque the human emotions as such passion, sadness, heartbreak, greed, the lies. I loved everything.
There was a time the felt that this was the end of me, but something made me to hold on myself. That would be my books. Otherwise, I would have lost myself a long time ago. My books kept me sane in this world.
My Passion and Myself
As the year passed, my collection kept growing, and still, it is. My books became my silent friend, who always had something new to share with me.
I’m the silent narrator of every story that I read, I know where things are going badly or well. I would see who is lying or hiding the truth. I would feel heartbreak and sorrow. I understand the secret and the hidden passion. I feel the loss of a loved one, but in the end, I’m always surprised and thrilled. Even when the story is ended, I make up new alternate endings for myself. Because I’m the silent narrator for every story I read.
I love all my books, whether they end up interesting or boring, I can’t get the heart to give them or replace anyone of them. I love them all. Now I can say, what I’m or what I’ve become, is all because of my books. Now all I can offer is, I like to share my passion for book reading through my blog where I share my thoughts and what I felt while reading the book.
Few people know me, and millions don’t, but I know they are people who like to read and don’t know where to start or which book to choose. My blog will always be there, helping them to choose the right book for themselves.
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