Happy Independence day
Independence Day is a powerful symbol of a nation’s identity, where the collective spirit of freedom and unity is celebrated. It marks the culmination of years of struggle, sacrifice, and unwavering determination by countless individuals who believed in the vision of a sovereign nation. On this day, the air is thick with patriotism as people from all walks of life come together to honor the sacrifices of their ancestors and the birth of their nation. Independence Day is not just about looking back at history; it is also about reflecting on the present and envisioning a future that upholds the values of liberty, equality, and justice. The celebrations often include…
The Joy of Reading: Quality over Speed
Article: The Joy of Reading: Quality over Speed Author: Nicky Sinha Francis It’s Quora time again!!! While browsing through my Quora questions, I came across this frequent question of “Speed Reading”. Nowadays, I find people obsessing with speed reading, as if they are in a race. What is the average speed for reading? How many books can you read in a day, week, month or year? How can I develop the habit of reading fast? and many more. Enjoy Reading According to me, one should enjoy reading, no matter whether you are fast or slow. Reading should be a joyful feeling rather than a race. Some people like to read…
Ebooks vs Audiobooks vs Paperback
Articles: Ebooks vs Audiobooks vs Paperback Published by: Nicky Francis EBooks and audiobooks are being preferred by many, but the love for paperback never faded. Why?
Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
Book Title: Rich Dad Poor Dad Author: Robert Kiyosaki Publisher: December 31, 2001, by Time Warner Books UK Genres: Business, Finance, Nonfiction, Self Help, Money, Personal Finance, Personal DevelopmentEconomics, Audiobook, Entrepreneurship More books on Finance My Review “If you want to learn about money, Rich Dad and Poor Dad is your book.”, “Robert Kiyosaki can be your best guide for financial education.” About the Author Robert Kiyosaki is truly a multi-talented personality. He is an entrepreneur, investor, motivational speaker, author, and also financial knowledge activist. He is very popular for his series of books called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. Kiyosaki is a Japanese American who was born in Hilo, Hawaii.…
World’s oldest libraries
Article Title: World’s oldest libraries Author: Nicky Sinha Francis Genres: Article A heaven of books When your world revolves around books, all you can think of a cozy beautiful place only for your books and you. For others, it’s point to laugh, but for you it’s your passion and your own personal space where you can escape from your stress and pain that you go through. To tell you the truth, I’ve never been to a library apart from the library in your school and college. There are places, beyond my imagination where books are preserve, a heaven only for books. I bring the 10 of World’s most ancient and…
The Real Story Behind Easter Bunny
Books on Easter Stories for kids While growing up, I was excited about the Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny. But I never thought much about the origin or the story behind the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs. Easter is related to the resurrection of Christ but where the Bunny comes from.
Difficulties or struggling with Reading
Title: Difficulties or Struggling with ReadingAuthor: Nicky Sinha FrancisArticle Published By: Kathryn DrummondGenre: Articles About 10 million children have difficulties or struggling with reading. The good news is that more than 90 percent of struggling readers can overcome their difficulties if they receive appropriate treatment at an early age.Many kids struggle with reading. One estimate is that about 10 million children have difficulties learning to read. The good news is that 90 to 95 percent of reading-impaired children can overcome their difficulties if they receive appropriate treatment at early ages. 7 Things to Know About the 1 in 5 with Learning and Attention Issues How can reading difficulties be caught…
I am a Bibliophile
Name: I am a Bibliophile Author: Nicky Sinha Francis Genre: Article I haven’t been a bookworm all my life. In my childhood, the only books that I liked to read were storybooks with illustrations and hopelessly read academic books. What choice did I as a kid have in those days? I have seen my elder sister read novels for hours and days when it was over then run for a new hunt. For me, I always accompanied her to grab comic books which I would finish in half a day, and then try to draw the characters on plain paper. But things change as you grow up, I was a…
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